Friday 16 January 2015

I wrote this post a few weeks ago, before Christmastime, but reading back on it I thought it was a bit too moany and self indulgent so I deleted it. I want to start writing it again with a blank canvas and a different angle. This is one of my resolutions too so I thought I'd tell you about the other things I'm aiming for in 2015.

You may have read my post about starting my scrapbook. If you haven't, you can find it here. The main reason I wanted to start a scrapbook is because I want to be more creative away from the Internet. I'm always posting on Instagram, and never actually printing any photos. I want to keep a record of everything I get up to.

The idea of the scrapbook is that I'll fulfill my other resolutions: taking more photos, doing fun things on my days off and seeing friends regularly. This is where enjoying the finer things comes into it.

As I just mentioned, I'm always posting on Instagram. Whether that's photos of my boyfriend or food or the sky or other such generic things. There's never any photos with me in, unless it's the obligatory #selfie. I would like to look back on my Instagram and see photos with me actually in them. I'm painfully camera shy so this is something I need to get over this year, especially if I want to take more outfit photos.

I want to do more fun things each month too. I've already got things coming up that I'm really looking forward to (I'm planning to mention this in my next alphabet series post). I want to fill my scrapbook, and more importantly my 2015, with lots of fun things: going on holiday, to concerts etc.

And back to the part about Enjoying the Finer Things - I often take for granted the small things. I want to enjoy a cold, sunny day, lunchtimes spent in Starbucks or Costa people watching, mornings before work where I can blog and evenings spent with friends.

I think I've got a case of SAD. I long for the bright evenings, Summer adventures and ice creams on the beach. Until Summer comes around, I want to start enjoying Winter.

Hopefully these resolutions will help me feel more positive until Summer comes around, encourage me to spend my days off more wisely and take up a hobby away from the Internet.

What are your resolutions for 2015?

1 comment :

  1. Hope you start feeling happier soon lovely :( I like the idea of the scrapbook it's very cute! I actually prefer winter it helps with my depression as it gets darker and I don't have to go out much, how bad is that?! hahahah oh dear..... bring on summer eh xxx

    Blonde Of Carbs
