Tuesday 18 February 2014

For my birthday Sam bought us tickets to the Harry Potter Studio Tour. I love HP, I own all the books/films and have watched/read them too many times to count. I was stupidly excited to get to the tour - a few of my friends have been and they said it was amazing so I was expecting great things. It did not disappoint! 

We started our day with lunch at the Gourmet Burger Kitchen. I managed to get money off our burgers because I told the waitress we'd sneak her into the tour as well. The burger was amazing even though we were rushing to eat. I definitely need to go to GBK when I'm not drunk or in a rush (I was drunk the first time I went there because I was at a staff party). It was a short journey, about 50 minutes from where Sam lives. We arrived at 4:30, ready to delve into the world of Harry Potter...

Cupboard under the stairs
Costumes for the Yule Ball from the Goblet of Fire
Gryffindor common room
Dumbledore's office
Voldemort and the death eaters costumes
Ministry of Magic
Drinking Butterbeer
4 Privet Drive
Hates having his photo taken
Diagon Alley
Outside Ollivanders
Favourite photo from the day - Sam at Hogwarts
Excuse the quality of these photos, they were taken on iPhone because I completely forgot I had my camera on me.

It was a truly magical experience, I felt like I was stepping into my childhood and visiting all the places I spent hours investing in. My highlight was visiting Hogwarts; it was only a model but I was in awe of the detail that went into creating it. Everything was crafted in such great detail and I gasped many times due to the sheer beauty of it. The admission letters Harry is sent was behind a pane of glass, as was the Philosopher's Stone, Tom Riddle's Diary and the issues of the Quibbler. I felt like a bit of a geek because I was able to recognise everything, and I even acted as a tour guide for Sam by pointing out what film each piece of art/costume/prop was from.

Have you been to the Harry Potter Studio Tour? What bits did you enjoy the most?

love, Cally


  1. I'm going for my birthday. I unfortunately missed the date I wanted to go though due to full booking so I'm going to book asap and go in April hopefully. I'm too excited.

    Kate | A British Sparkle xx

    1. Aww, I'm sure you'll love it! I hope you manage to get a date in April :) x

  2. I loved the studio tour so much - I'm the biggest Harry Potter nerd!! Hoping to go back again soon just because there's so much detail to take in :) xx

    1. The amount of detail is truly extraordinary! Photos don't do the place justice. All the pieces behind the panes of glass like the Horcruxes were amazing to see x

  3. Aww, this looks so cool. I haven't actually read all the HP books (I know...it's awful right?!) but this is making me want to just so I can go lol! Lovely post...Danielle x


    1. Thank you lovely! The books are amazing, you should read them all. My boyfriend hasn't read them all but he still really enjoyed it x

  4. omg I want to go there so much!! I've recently started reading the books again, and I completely fell in love with hp again!

    Yet Another Makeup Blog.

  5. Loved this post! I live about 30 minutes away from the HP tour, I need to go again! Glad you enjoyed it xx



    1. Thank you :) I already want to go again too haha. Maybe I'll leave it a couple of years x

  6. I am soooooo jealous i really want to go after reading this i may invest!!

    looks like you had lots of fun!!


    1. It was amazing! If you like Harry Potter I'd definitely recommend :) x

  7. Eeeeek I'm going here in April and I cannot wait! I only skimmed past your photos so as not to spoil the surprise haha. Seems awesome though!

    Lucy ox

    1. Aww, I was skimming past the photos my friends put on Facebook too - I didn't want to spoil it. I hope you have lots of fun there, it's amazing! x

  8. Would love to do this! That's so cool! :)

