Monday 9 December 2013

I've decided to do Instagram updates on Monday instead of Sunday! So here's what I've been up to for the 9th week.

Waking up for work // Winchester // Christmas Dinner w/ Sam // Christmas Carols

This week I've been working a lot in the run up to Christmas. I'm on a spending ban and I'm not allowed to buy anything for myself until after Christmas otherwise I'll have no money left! 

I spent the weekend in Southampton with Sam. We saw the latest Hunger Games film on Friday night and it was amazing! The last few minutes were very rushed and were quite obviously building up to the third film but I still enjoyed it. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress, and I think this film is even better than the first.

On Saturday, I watched Sam play hockey then we went to Winchester to enjoy the Christmas market (there will be a post about it up soon!). I treated us to a Chinese takeaway (our favourite) then we took part in a quiz with his friends, which lasted for over 2 hours! The next day we had a mammoth Christmas dinner and went to a Carol service. I drank too much wine and I'm suffering for it today! 

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!

much love, 


  1. Awe, I love all of your pictures! So festive and beautiful! would love if you'd visit my blog sometime!

    -ariel* xoxo

  2. Sounds like a very packed but super fun weekend!! and I loved Catching Fire!! waiting for the third movie will be so hard even though I've read the books already hehe.
    ps. found you through fbloggers chat :)

    1. It was very fun! I've only read the first book, not sure whether to read the third one or wait until the film comes out. I really enjoyed Catching Fire though :) x
