Saturday 2 November 2013

This is a slightly different post than what I normally write about but I thought I'd let you see my blogging desk - my bed (it's where the blogging magic happens). Please note, my blog has now changed from the photo on my laptop but I scheduled this post a while ago!

  • My Laptop
    The most important blogging tool is my laptop and I would be completely lost without it. I write and edit blogs, tweak photos and read other blogs for inspiration. 
  • iPad
    If I didn't have my laptop handy (like when I'm staying with boyfriend) then I'll use my iPad for writing posts. I use Blogsy, which is only £2.99. 
  • iPhone
    I only got my iPhone 5 a few months ago but it's so important for me to engage with other bloggers when I'm on the move. I look through my emails and Twitter when I'm at work, and I like to make lists of blog posts I want to create using Wunderlist. It's so useful if you don't have a notebook handy - I like to note down ideas of posts I want to write. 
  • My Inspirations
    Often I get inspiration for post ideas from magazines like Cosmopolitan or Glamour. At the moment I'm reading Lauren Conrad Style, I have a massive girl crush on Lauren Conrad (I absolutely love her hair). It's always good to look at as many magazines as you can to get some ideas if you're having a blogger's block!
I also need a camera but I obviously used that to take this photo! I use a Nikon Coolpix camera with 16megapixels. It isn't the best camera but it's good whilst I don't earn much money. 

much love, 


  1. the perfect place for blogging!
    giveaway on my blog:

    1. It definitely is! And my TV is just opposite so I like to rewatch One Tree Hill and eat lots of chocolate when I blog :)

      I'll check out your giveaway! x

  2. Such great blogging tools! I love Lauren Conrad's style :)


    1. I want to get her beauty book as well! Love Lauren Conrad! X

  3. Lovely blog you have here, I am so glad you sent me your link via twitter. Like you I also do some of my blogging in bed, its just so nice and warm and comfy! Really enjoyed reading your blog so have followed :).


    1. Aww thank you, that so sweet of you :D. It is so comfy but I usually end up falling asleep haha x

  4. This looks just like my space except I am sprawled all over my sofa ;)


    Em’s Mixed Bag

    1. Haha, the bed or the sofa are the best places to blog ;) x

  5. I really struggle blogging on the Ipad so I always use my laptop. Couldn't live without my iphone though x

  6. Love this post! So nice to see where bloggers get their inspiration to write from :) I blog a lot from my bed too! Been thinking about getting an iPad too recently, so it's good to know that it is beneficial for blogging too! Thank you for sending over your link via twitter! It's always great to discover new blogs, so thanks for connecting! xx
